
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Nighly Nugz

  • As I watch Boozer completely abuse Gooden it's difficult for me not to wonder, "What if?" I have the sneaking suspicion LeBron has had that same thought.
  • Deron Williams is a flat out beast. You can go back and fourth between Chris Paul and Williams but my money is with Williams. Their passing skills are both brilliant but Williams shoots the mid and trey better. Plus I like Williams' combination of size and quickness. You have a better chance of keeping Rosie out of the kitchen than Williams out of the lane.
  • How has Sloan never won coach of the year?
  • The Jazz are for real. If AK-47 can learn to accept his role as defensive stopper and complementary offensive player watch out. This team is hungry.
  • How has Damon Jones gone through his career without someone bashing him in that fat mouf? It's amazing to watch how highly he regards himself. Damon, you blow...you always have.
  • The Cuba/MJ commercials make me uncomfortable. I'm not sure why, they just do.
  • The Cavs just don't impress me. Gibson, Hughes, James, Gooden, and Ilgauskas. You kidding me?
  • I just noticed that when LeBron sits out he places his mouthpiece inside of his headband, resting against his dome. Yep you heard me. In his sweaty, nasty, headband. When he checked back into the game he just pulled it out and "POP" shoved it in his mouth. Didn't even wipe it off. Now that's gansta.


Anonymous said...

FYI, during breaks in the action, Kirk Hinrich stores his mouthguard in his one of his socks. Another fast fact about the Bulls.....Ben Wallace is averaging 4.8 boards a game, the same as his teammate Ben Gordon. Oh man.