
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

KoMe Bryant...The Saga Continues

Peter Vecsey of the New York Post wrote today:

As for Bryant, he isn't going anywhere unless Jackson says so. Evidently the entire Buss family - Jerry and Jim, not just Jeanie - has given Jackson personnel power. Everyone working together suddenly rubberizes Kobe's crutch that the front office is the problem. Not anymore. Meaning, the only way Bryant will be traded is he decides not to play defense and team ball.

It's nearly impossible to know what's fake, real, imagined or wishful thinking. So many people are offering so much conflicting info, and Bryant's mind has been known to swivel 180 degrees during one interview.

Bottom line, if Bryant sincerely wants out of L.A., he should stop trying to play GM and waive his no-trade clause.

As much as it pains me to say this I agree with Vecsey. It's just like KoMe to demand a trade, offer the front office zero flexibility in trade options, and then act like punk while playing the martyr. If Vescey truly believes that Bryant's only saving grace is playing defense and team ball then kiss him goodbye. He hasn't attempted to do either since Shaq left town. Is there a more selfish SOB in the NBA?


Z said...

Hey, you have no balls. Glad you figured that one out. Maybe you can help me put a picture on my header.

Feel free to drop by and comment on my blog...I think you still need to see the new one.

Its all about the multiple blogs now. Maybe we can start a Richard Dawkins fanblog.

Unknown said...

Not until after we start the Christopher Hitchens Fan Blog.

RimCheck said...

No balls? Sheesh. Yeah it's not very clean but still an improvement. We can talk later about your header.

Will you have time for both Hitchens and Shackleton?